'Sugar hangover' is real
Most of us love sugar, and as much as I avoid it, when I do eat loads of it I feel c**ap after a sugar binge, or even after a night out....

Best diet for office workers
Until I started working a 9-5 job I had only heard about "how hard it is to stay healthy and workout" and had a hard time believing it. I...

Consistency. Not perfection.
It's about building healthy habits that last not an unhealthy relationship with food. Remember to be consistent and give your body what

Listening to your body: A habit of fit people
“Train hard or go home.” “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” This seems to be the ‘trend’ and I am all with training hard. There is no...

Fact or Fiction: Is Gluten Free really for you?
Disclaimer: This is not aimed at people who suffer from celiac disease (CD), which is an autoimmune disease with no other therapy...

5 Moves to Improve your Balance
Finding balance is an essential part of life, but highly underworked and underestimated by many. Without balance, your body wouldn’t be...

Bubble Trouble: Why Diet Coke Is Just As Bad For You As Regular Coke
At a first glance diet coke seems like a reasonable health conscious choice which saves you 140 calories and tons of sugar. But there’s...

4 Ways Salads Are Ruining Your Diet
People see the word salad and immediately think "healthy, light, easy to digest, weight loss, etc". It seems that if you add the word...

5 Tips to Improve Balance
Finding balance is an essential part of life, but highly underworked and underestimated by many. Without balance, your body wouldn’t be...

Not so boring meal prep ideas
Whether you are prepping for a competition or on a strict diet chicken can get old very very fast. Chicken in the morning, chicken in the...