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BETTER - Get Fit in 3 weeks

OMG you guys I am really excited to be sharing this with you. I've talked about doing this for quite some time and managed to procrastinate until now.

In 7 days I will be releasing my first ever workout program and I cannot wait for you to try it!

Having worked with all types of clients I understand the struggles of finding motivation to workout, knowing what to do, not wanting to go to a gym, etc

This is why I devised BETTER.

BETTER is designed to do exactly what it says. Get you to do better! No matter where you are on your journey right now this program is perfect for you.

So what is BETTER?

- A 3 weeks, do it anywhere fitness program.

- It consists of 4 workouts per week, so a total of 12 workouts.

- Each workout is 45-60 minutes, only 4% of your day!

- The workouts are divided between high intensity fat torching workouts and resistance strength workouts.

- Minimal equipment needed: your body and a long-loop resistance band.

- Designed to melt the fat and tone the body.

So is it only 3 weeks you ask?

Research suggests that an individual needs a minium of 21 days (aka 3 weeks) to form a habit. This fitness program is in the perfect sweet spot to get you to start forming a healthy habit and working towards a better you.

It also uses minimal equipment meaning that you can do it anywhere! The festive season is almost here and I know that a lot of you will be visiting family and friends or new cities around the world. BETTER is perfect for that.

A resistance band is what I have choosen to use for this program as I am slightly in love with resistance bands and think they are massively underestimated. However, no resistance band no problemo! 95% the moves in BETTER can be done with your bodyweight, or by using other forms of resistance such as dumbbells. It really is up to you.

So will you get ahead of the game and start taking care of yourself now, or wait until the new year?

The choice is yours.

Happy Healthy Living,


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