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Nutrition Basics Simplified is here! This is your guide to better understand the basics of nutrition. I talk macronutrients, micronutrients and supplements. Improving your nutrition knowledge is on click away and it's FREE!

Leave your email below and recieve the E-book straight to your inbox.

Nutrition Basics Simplified is on it's way to your inbox!

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Ramadan Kareem! Ramadan can be a confusing time for those fasting when it comes to their diet and fitness. Therefore, I have written my first E-Book to share with you my Ramadan fitness and nutrition guide to help you get through this Ramadan. Click on the picture below to download the first part! Want more? Why not get Ramadan friendly exercises straight to your e-mail? Leave me your e-mail in the box below and you will receive it shortly!

Happy Healthy Fasting. 

Project Sirine

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