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5 Tips to Get Back on Track After Summer

This summer has been glorious and very very busy! I lost all meaning of the word routine. I had a wonderful summer to be honest - the love of my life proposed just before the summer, we had a beautiful trip to south of Italy and then went home for a couple of weeks to celebrate with our friends and family. It also felt quite long and exhausting and I am looking forward to the homey - cozy feeling that aumtumn and winter bring.

Having said that, it has been hard to get back into a regular routine espcially since I also quit my 9-5 job (OMG YES) and now can make my own routine and this can quickly turn into sleeping in and taking time-off. So how do I get back on track after all this insanity?

1. Mentality:

This is always on top of my list, whether it's to achieve personal goals, career goals or health goals. Your mentality is everything. I tend to sit and reflect on a time where my health and fitness was at its peak and remember what it was that I was doing differently. Don't worry if you are just getting into a healthy lifestyle for the first time, you can always reflect on what healthy people do that makes their lifestyle different. For me it's things like having my apple cider vinegar in the morning, making my breakfast and lunch and taking time to workout everyday as well as relaxing in bed and reflecting on my day and reading. This is gives me discipline and pushes me in the right direction.

2. Do your own cooking:

Doing your own cooking can really change your relationship with food. Spending time creating recipes, touching and smelling the ingredients gives you more appreciation towards good food and what it does for you body. When you are cooking you also know exactly what is going into your food, there are no hidden salt, sugar or preservatives. You can make your favorite takeaway dishes at home! Also when you are cooking you'll smell all the lovely aromas of your food, which helps with satiety.

3. Drink lots of water:​


I say this over and over and I'll say it again. Water first. Water always. During the summer months we naturally reach out for more water as it's hot oustide and we sweat more so feel thirsty more. However, when the temperatures drop we tend to forget that we need to drink water as we aren't feeling as thirsty. Remember that water is essential to the functioning of your organs, it gives you clear skin and more often than not we confuse thirst with hunger. So get that water in!

4. Be in tune with your body:

I often say this too. Listen to your body and be in tune with it. This is something I really stress with my clients. I provide nutrition plans however if the plan contains 3 snacks per day and you are not hungry, what are you going to do? Eat them because I said so or listen to your body and not eat them? I sure hope it's the latter. Forcing your body to eat when you are not hungry and depriving it of food when you are messes up your hunger signals and you'll lose touch with your body. So make sure you take the time to really listen to what it needs.

5. Make it a part of your daily routine:

I think where most people fail is forcing new habits on themselves without making it part of their routine. This makes it easier for these habits to fail as they don't "fit" your day to day life. If your routine needs a change that's fine - build a new routine that includes all the habits you want to install in your life. I personally feel crippled when I don't wake up early and gym, or miss my morning apple cider vinegar drink. It's because I have made them an essential part of my day and my day feels weird if I don't do these steps when I wake up.

I really hope that was useful and if you have any tips that have worked for you please do share them!

Don't forget to watch the Youtube video on this topic, it's linked down below, and while you are at it subscribe to my channel for more videos :)

Happy Healthy Living,


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